Lifetime Emissions by Energy Source
Source: 5th IPCC Report: Click Here.
Energy Source Albedo Effect (CO2 + Methane)
Coal: PC 820
Biomass - cofiring 740
Gas - Combined Cycle 490
Biomass - dedicated 230
Solar PV Farm 48
Rooftop Solor PV 41
Geothermal 38
Concentrated Solar 27
Hydro 24
Nuclear 12
Wind Offshore 12
Wind Onshore 11
Future Technologies:
CCS - Coal - Oxyfuel 160
CCS - Coal - PC 220
CCS - Coal - IGCC 200
CCS - Gas - Combined Cycle 170
Ocean 17

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Note that these emissions are combined emissions from CO2 and CH4 (methane).

One problem with hydro is that for about the first 60 years of a new dam's life, the submerged vegetation rots and gives off CH4, so the emissions of a new dam are quite high.

Conservative Climate Activists
Organizer: Bill Chapman
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